Our Renovations

 The Highline Rochester building was originally a Lincoln car showroom. In later years the building was converted into RAPA Theatre (Rochester Area of Performing Arts). Before restoring the building & renovating it into The Highline wedding & event venue, the building’s factory size windows were all boarded up. No light shed upon the vast sawtooth peak ceilings. Stadium style seating along with old theatre catwalk rails & spotlights remained in the empty space. Follow our Renovations from beginning to end below.

The South Ballroom Renovations:
Construction on the South Ballroom (our larger ballroom) completed in November of 2020.

The North Ballroom Renovations:
Construction on the North Ballroom (our smaller ballroom) completed in February of 2022. This ballroom has its own entrance, but connects to the South Ballroom through a private hall.